Decision science solutions for organizations of all sizes

Make better decisions, faster

Does your organization have to make hard decisions quickly, related to operations, strategy, logistics, and more?

Decision science can help. Automate planning tasks, guarantee decision optimality, reduce costs, and increase revenue using technologies such as machine learning, optimization, simulation, and data visualization.

  • Machine Learning: helpful for estimating and forecasting things like sales, costs, growth, attrition, and more. For example, if I expand business into this new market, how can I expect my bottom line to react?
  • Optimization: determine the best set of decisions to make in a complicated system. For example, how do I ship these 1000 orders in the cheapest way possible to my 25 distribution centers?
  • Simulation: also known as a digital twin, simulation allows for cheaply testing experiments for your business. For example, what happens to my line downtime rate if I add this machine?
  • Visualization: allows for easily seeing trends in your data. For example, Tableau or PowerBI dashboards with the ability to drill down, explore trends, and receive automated alerting.

Learn about OptimalNightVision, our inventory optimization platform for night vision manufacturers